Our Website

Since its founding in 2013, NewTrading has been promoting responsible trading.

Statistics show that the overwhelming majority of independent traders fail! Close to nine out of ten lose money speculating on the financial markets. Contrary to the promises of easy wealth peddled by some salespeople hawking dreams on the internet, this is the harsh reality of trading.

To help you easily learn and begin trading without losing your shirt, NewTrading provides free trading courses, and a meticulously vetted selection of trading tools.

Our specialists share practical and straightforward information and recommendations daily to help you learn to trade in earnest. This includes educational content, tutorials, and detailed opinions on financial products and services.

From rules to follow when you take your first steps as an investor to programming automated trading algorithms to methods of analyzing the market, NewTrading provides accurate and reliable information to help you make good decisions.

At NewTrading, our mission is to empower your success by providing you with clear, actionable insights into the trading world.

All our content is carefully checked

by market finance specialists.

We only highlight solutions

we would recommend to our friends and family.

We prioritize rigorous fact-checking in all our content.

Our specialists offer expert insights into all your financial market questions.
Maxime PARRA
Maxime Parra
Othmane Bennis
Contributing editor
Audrey Croiset
Lead Copywriter
Michaël Marrot
Olivier Silberberg
Luá Cruz-Fernández

Our editorial team

NewTrading’s team has several decades of trading experience. 

Because we trade for our own accounts, we know how important it is to have reliable information and viable tools to trade confidently. Here is the entire editorial team!

Maxime Parra – Editor-in-Chief

Maxime holds two master’s degrees from the SKEMA Business School: a Master of Management and a Master of Finance, Banking, and Accounting. He is responsible for the quality of content published on NewTrading.io.

Maxime was a finalist during the first Trading Talent competition (2012) of BFM Business, France’s most listened-to business news radio station. He placed second in the 2015 CFA Challenge France and passed the CFA level 1 exam in 2014.

Passionate about the financial markets, Maxime has been trading for his own account since the age of 18 and has given more than a hundred conferences and trading courses on the campuses of French business and engineering schools.

As founder and editor-in-chief of the Syntax Finance agency, Maxime helps elite financial brands design and execute successful content strategies. In addition, he writes educational content daily for the agency’s proprietary websites. (NewTrading, Finclub, and Financial Functions).

Othmane Bennis – Contributing Editor

Othmane holds two master’s degrees from the SKEMA Business School: a Master of Management and a Master of Finance, Banking, and Accounting. In 2014 he passed the CFA level 1 exam.

Early in his career, Othmane had the opportunity to train in Natixis’ equity research department, where he developed a passion for the stock market and trading. Today, he shares his knowledge and expertise in corporate finance and market finance with the NewTrading team.

As content strategist for the Syntax Finance agency, Othmane helps elite financial brands design and execute successful content strategies.

Lúa Cruz Fernández – Specialist Editor

Lúa holds two degrees from the University of Vigo (Spain): a Bachelor of Translation and Interpretation and a Master of Translation in International Communications. She developed a specialty in financial writing and translation, mainly during her years at IG.

As a lead copywriter for the Syntax Finance agency, Lúa helps elite financial brands with the translation and localization of their content strategies.

Michaël Marrot – Specialist Editor

Michaël holds a masters degree from the INSEEC Business School. He is passionate about writing and has written over a hundred educational articles for NewTrading.fr and Finclub.fr on the stock market, real estate, and cryptocurrencies.

Olivier Silberberg – Specialist Editor

Olivier holds a masters degree from the ESC Business School. He has written more than a hundred educational articles for NewTrading.fr and Finclub.fr on the stock market, real estate, and cryptocurrencies.

Editorial Guidelines

Our editorial team is fully committed to creating quality, original, and accurate content, free of any conflicts of interest. 

If you notice any content that could be improved or corrected, please let us know at [email protected].

Product or service recommendations

Our rankings and reviews are always independent. 

Our editorial team is solely responsible for our publications as well as the rating criteria applied when evaluating the products and services presented on NewTrading.io.

Our business model

We receive financial compensation from our partners via the affiliate links in our reviews under “Recommendations.” However, these commissions do not influence our rating method or recommendations. 

Regardless of the financial compensation received, third parties featured in our publications are treated impartially. They have no control or right of review over our content. In other words, we simply recommend our favorite products and services!

We do not provide investment advice

NewTrading provides general recommendations without regard to your personal situation. For personal advice, please contact a certified professional wealth management advisor.

About Syntax Finance

NewTrading.io is owned by the Syntax Finance group, which comprises an agency that markets specialized content and proprietary websites focused on a particular theme, including Finclub and Financial Functions.

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